Mounting NFS: owners are nobody:nogroup


I mounted an NFS filesytem from the shell using the code:

LINE=' /beatdb nfs tcp,intr,rw 0 0'
grep "$LINE" /etc/fstab >/dev/null || echo $LINE >> /etc/fstab
mkdir /beatdb
mount -a # Remount /etc/fstab Without Reboot in Linux

I show the files as nobody:nogroup:

enter image description here

Any idea to fix this issue and display the right owners?

I use Ubuntu 12.04.


Client-side (I don't have access to the NFS server):

rpcidmapd is running:

enter image description here

rpcinfo -p:

enter image description here


enter image description here

Best Answer

Asking for local support or documentation sounds like a very good idea :).

In checklist form, I think you need

1) the required user(s) created on the client system. This can be done manually, but you should expect there to be an automatic "directory service" which you can configure. It might be LDAP.

2) user mapping between client and server. In NFS4 (implied by tcp option) this is handled by idmapd, as mentioned by gareth. You should just need to set the domain to match what the server thinks. Cross-domain doesn't work, I think it's a Linux limitation.

3) kerberos to authenticate yourself to the server (available in NFS4). If you want to access any files as someone other than "nobody", this is definitely needed. I suggest configuring and testing kerberos first of all. Configuring it will include setting a domain - you'll set the same domain in idmapd.conf.

or with NFS3-style auth, 3) is skipped and instead of 2) you just make sure the user's numerical UID matches that of the server. This is only used where the server trusts the client :).