More tiling with KDE


I fear that I go into conflicting requirements here, but I still want to ask. I have been using KDE for a while now and I do like its software (Konsole, Okular, Dolphin). I like KWin with its features a lot:

  • Splitting windows on the left/right side, even with multiple monitors.
  • Splitting windows into the quadrants of each screen.
  • Compositing. Windows should wobble.
  • Pinning windows to the very top.
  • Options for each program and window that can be persisted.

However, on my 24" screen with its 1920 × 1200 pixels,
I feel that three colums would be a better use of the space. 
Especially since I am considering to buy 2560 × 1200. 
See this:

I know that three columns would be easily achieved with a tiling windows manager like Awesome WM. But I have two friends that use Awesome WM and I would like it avoid for the following reasons:

  • KDE System Settings is something that I use often, and I want my system to work, not work on the command line to get my printer working.
  • You will have to tinker to get a battery widget into a systray area.
  • Solely tiling is not what I want either; free floating windows are preferred for Firefox, Thunderbird and other things.
  • Since I use a lot of the KDE applications, using Plasma and KWin seems to make sense.

Is there some way to get some more advanced actions like not only snapping windows into corners, but also into three columns with KWin?

Performance, or anything being lightweight, is no concern at all. KDE runs just fine, at that is as large as it gets.

Best Answer

Go to

  • Systemsettings
  • Workspace Appearance and Behavior
  • Window Behavior
  • KWin Scripts
  • Get New Script
  • Tiling
  • Install
  • Enable the checkbox of the installed plugin
  • Apply

Have fun!

You should read the "documentation" to know how to handle free-floating, different layouts, etc.

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