Monitoring files continuously with lsof


Is there a way to make lsof work continuously to monitor every file that is being opened in real time?

I don't know the name of the process. I want lsof to work continuously for a period of time until I see the the list contains what I want.

Best Answer

I believe since you do not know the file name/process id, you could specify user name option as below.

lsof -r 2 -u username
  • The "-r 2" option puts lsof in repeat mode, with updates every 2 seconds. (Ctrl -c quits)
  • The "-u' option can be used to keep an eye on a users activity.

If you know the directory name under which the application is being run and do not want to specify the user name,you could use the command like,

lsof +D /some/dir -r 2 


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