security – Monitoring Activity on My Computer


So recently I found that someone has been using my computer without consent, browsing folders, etc….

I could change all my passwords straight away, but I'm curious as the what the intruding party was looking for. So I would like to set up a trap ( evil grin ).

What software will monitor any activity on my computer? While I know that capturing my screen will work here. I'd rather use a logfile.

For example:


[1 Aug 2010 20:23] /usr/bin/thunar accessed /multimedia/cctv-records/
[1 Aug 2010 20:25] /usr/bin/mplayer accessed /multimedia/cctv-records/00232.avi
[3 Aug 2010 02:34] /usr/bin/thunderbird was run
[3 Aug 2010 03:33] incomming ssh session from

Activities I would like to log is:

  • Access to files and folders on the filesystem
  • Commands run ( from console or otherwise )
  • User Sessions ( login's, ssh sessions and failed attempts )

Best Answer

You could use in-kernel mechanism inotify for monitoring accessed files.

First you should check if inotify is turned on in kernel:

pbm@tauri ~ $ zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_INOTIFY

Next thing to do is install inotify-tools. Instructions for various distributions you could find at project page - it should be in repositories of all major distributions.

After that inotify is ready to work:

inotifywait /dirs/to/watch -mrq

(m = do not exit after one event, r = recursive, q = quiet)

For example - output after ls /home/pbm

pbm@tauri ~ $ inotifywait /bin /home/pbm -mq 
/bin/ OPEN ls
/bin/ ACCESS ls
/bin/ ACCESS ls
/home/pbm/ OPEN,ISDIR 

Important thing is to properly set directories for watch:

  • don't watch / recursively - there is a lot of read/write to /dev and /proc
  • don't watch your home dir recursively - when you use apps there is a lot of read/write to application configuration dirs and browsers profile dirs

In /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches there is configuration option that shows how many files can be watched simultaneously. Default value (for Gentoo) is about not so high, so if you set watcher to /home/ you could exceed limit. You could increase limit by using echo (root access needed).

echo 524288 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches

But before that you should read about consequences of that change.

Options that could be interesting for you:

  • -d = daemon mode
  • -o file = output to file
  • --format = user-specified format, more info in man inotifywait
  • -e EVENT = what event should be monitored (for example access, modify, etc, more info in man)
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