Video Editing – Merge Two Video Clips Side by Side


I have two video clips. Both are 640×480 and last 10 minutes. One contains background audio, the other one a singing actor. I would like to create a single 10 minute video clip measuring 1280×480 (in other words, I want to place the videos next to each other and play them simultaneously, mixing audio from both clips). I've tried trying to figure out how to do this with ffmpeg/avidemux, but so far I came up empty. They all refer to concatenating when I search for merging.

Any recommendations?

Best Answer

ffmpeg \
  -i input1.mp4 \
  -i input2.mp4 \
  -filter_complex '[0:v]pad=iw*2:ih[int];[int][1:v]overlay=W/2:0[vid]' \
  -map '[vid]' \
  -c:v libx264 \
  -crf 23 \
  -preset veryfast \

This essentially doubles the size of input1.mp4 by padding the right side with black the same size as the original video, and then places input2.mp4 over the top of that black area with the overlay filter.


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