AWK – Merge 2 Rows Based on Same Column Values


I have a file like below.

47196436 47723284 name1 1.77273

42672249 52856963 name2 1.06061
52856963 430695 name2 1.16667

55094959 380983 name3 1.55613

17926380 55584836 name4 1.02461
3213456 34211 name4 1.11
54321 34211 name4 1.23

The first 2 columns correspond to the primary keys in my table. I am trying to merge the rows in such a way that if there is same name all the keys will be in the same row.

I am trying to get the output as,

47196436 47723284 name1
42672249 52856963 430695 name2
55094959 380983 name3
17926380 55584836 3213456 34211 54321 name4

I was able to achieve it partially using the below command.

awk '{ x[$3]=x[$3] " " $2; } 
END { 
   for (k in x) print k,x[k] >"OUTPUT1";  
}' ccc.txt

However, it is not giving me the output correctly. I need some assistance in further modifying the above command.

Best Answer

A perl solution:

$ perl -ane '$h{$F[2]} .= " ".$F[0]." ".$F[1];
    END {
        for $k (sort keys %h) {
            print $_," " for grep {!$seen{$_}++} split(" ",$h{$k});
            print "$k\n";
    }' file

47196436 47723284 name1
42672249 52856963 430695 name2
55094959 380983 name3
17926380 55584836 3213456 34211 54321 name4
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