May I sort the /etc/group and /etc/passwd files


My /etc/group has grown by adding new users as well as installing programs that have added their own user and/or group. The same is true for /etc/passwd. Editing has now become a little cumbersome due to the lack of structure.

May I sort these files (e.g. by numerical id or alphabetical by name) without negative effect on the system and/or package managers?

I would guess that is does not matter but just to be sure I would like to get a 2nd opinion. Maybe root needs to be the 1st line or within the first 1k lines or something?

The same goes for /etc/*shadow.

Best Answer

You should be OK doing this: in fact, according to the article and reading the documentation, you can sort /etc/passwd and /etc/group by UID/GID with pwck -s and grpck -s, respectively.

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