Manually edit startup application for session


I'm running elementary OS Freya Beta (under the hood: Ubuntu 14.04) and I need to edit the startup of a certain application to prevent it from running. The startup applications GUI window is still under work, it seems, so is there a way for me to add or edit an application manually from the session's startup applications for my user?

I've crawled all throughout gconf settings and dconf setting, but can't find a list of startup applications that the underlying mechanism uses. I've also ran find ~ -iname "*startup*" but didn't find anything useful.

How are GNOME/Pantheon session applications started, and how can I manually edit this list?

Best Answer

Oops a accidently gave you the Luna code. I upgraded the my system and afterwords used the ubuntu 14.04 code, it did not work, maybe because of gtk 3.14 upgrade(I should have tried it before upgrading).

Luckily I found something that did work.

Type this in the terminal: gnome-session-properties

Type in your password, a application will appear.