Windows – Manjaro guest on VirtualBox not able to get the full resolution


What I have

  1. Host: Windows 10 Version 1803
  2. Guest: 4.19.20-1-MANJARO
  3. VirtualBox Version 6.0.4r128413

What I have tried:

  1. using the VirtualBox geustaddition iso

    1.1. from toolbar Devices > Insert guestaddition image ...

    1.2. cd /run/media/foobar/VBox_GAs-6.0.4

    1.3. sudo sh or simply by sudo sh leading to the error:

This system is currently not set up to build kernel modules.
Please install the Linux kernel "header" files matching the current kernel
for adding new hardware support to the system.
VirtualBox Guest Additions: modprobe vboxsf failed

1.4. So I tried solving the problem by installing the Linux kernel header files as mentioned here:

1.4.1 find the Linux kernel by mhwd-kernel -li which in my case is linux419

1.4.2. Then sudo pacman -S linux419-kernel

1.4.3. then following the step one in original post and reboot. This solves the resolution problem but every time I reboot I have to wait for 5-6 minutes showing the message:

A stop job is running for vboxadd.service …

enter image description here

1.4.4. Tried the sudo systemctl stop vboxadd and sudo systemctl disable vboxadd from here but then it reverts the resolution back.

1.4.5. tried uninstalling the guest additions by sudo sh uninstall and then following step 2 whish was also not successful!

  1. using the Manjaro repository as suggested on their wiki:

    2.1. sudo pacman -Syu virtualbox-guest-utils leading to

There are 11 providers available for VIRTUALBOX-HOST-MODULES:

:: Repository extra

  1. linux316-virtualbox-guest-modules

:: Repository community


2.2. from here running mhwd-kernel -li indicates that should go for linux419, or use sudo pacman -S linux419-virtualbox-guest-modules instead. but then I get the error:

error failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

virtualbox guest utils exists in filesystem vboxclient

2.3. as suggested here I tried sudo pacman -S --force and finished the installation and rebooted. But nothing changes except that I get this notification:

enter image description here

Best Answer

To get Auto-Resize Guest Display working you have to use 'VBoxSVGA'

  1. Stop VM if installed and running
  2. Choose in VM Setting: Display > Screen > Graphics Controller > 'VBoxSVGA'
  3. Save
  4. Start VM with Manjaro - Screen goes black.
  5. hit CTRL+ALT+F2 to enter tty2
  6. logon
  7. sudo mhwd -r pci video-vmware
  8. reboot

Resizing works like a charm.

Tested on Linux, Mac OS and Windows 10

(In older versions of Virtual Box, the controller was VBoxVGA, but this is deprecated since version 6.0 and no longer available in 6.1.)

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