Video Devices – Manipulating /dev/video


I'd like to take the video stream from /dev/video0, apply some effects or changes and make the result available on /dev/video1.

/dev/video0 —> Apply Effects —> /dev/video1

For example, mplayer tv:// -vo caca will display the output of /dev/video in ascii art. I would like to make that available on /dev/video1 so that I could send that through skype instead of my default webcam feed….

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

For sure. Here are two suggestions:

  1. Behind the scenes CLI. Use V4L2VD to create a virtual video device such as /dev/videoVirt1 and pipe through mplayer for the effects. Even some similar examples in the notes.
  2. Use a fat desktop program such as webcamstudio to create the pipes and do your skype/broadcast wonders - still with mplayer for the ascii effect

Good Luck!

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