Make ls gray out files that end with tilde (`~`) using `LS_COLOR`


Problem: I am trying to modify LS_COLORS to gray out all files ending with the tilde character.

Question: Can anybody spot my mistake?

Here is what I did:

# write dircolors file:
dircolors -p > ~/.dircolors

# add a line
echo >> ~/.dircolors
echo ".*~ 01;34" >> ~/.dircolors

# apply changes to LS_COLOR
eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)"

Now, when I do


I get a long line with the following begin and end:

rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36: ... *.xspf=00;36:*.*~=01;34:

So I would assume, that files ending with tilde (~) appear in the same color as directories (specified by di), but it doesn't work.

Best Answer

It seems you can't do this with dircolors, but you can do it by modifying LS_COLORS directly:

eval "$(dircolors)"
export LS_COLORS

dircolors only seems to handle three types of descriptors: terminal names (starting with TERM), file types (e.g. DIR), and extensions starting with .. The latter get expanded by prefixing them with *; so your .*~ becomes *.*~, which only matches backup files containing a .. ls itself can interpret more general LS_COLORS entries such as *~, which matches all files ending with ~.