Make a windowmanager/desktop (Gnome) use only a part of an X11 server’s (Xvfb) resolution


I have the following problem: Let's say I have an X11 server (it is the Xvfb) set to run at a resolution of 1024×768. Now I want to run inside it the Gnome desktop, not at the resolution of 1024×768 but, lets say, 640×480 with the condition that the Gnome desktop is centered inside the X11 space. Anyone knows how to do that? I have tried passing gnome-session the parameter –geometry but it does not like it.
Just In case it matters: The system is a Centos 5.5 with the latest updates installted.
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Why not just set the Xvfb to the correct size to begin with?

I suppose you could run a nested X server like Xephyr or Xnest inside the Xvfb, and have it at the right resolution and position, but that's a lot of extra work vs. just running Xvfb -screen 0 640x480x24

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