Lum – Swapping an unlimited number of columns

awkcolumnssedtext processing

I have a file with columns. See below for an example:

a b c ... z  
1 2 3 ... 26

I'd like to swap all columns where the 1st becomes the last, the second becomes the one before last…etc..

z y x ... a  
26 25 24 ... 1

Is there a one liner (awk or sed) that does this?
I know one can use awk when there is only a couple columns,
but I'd like to be able to do this on files with thousands of columns.

tac does this perfectly for lines.
I guess I am looking for the equivalent for columns.

rev hasn't worked for me, as it also swaps content in the column.

Best Answer

awk '{for(i=NF;i>0;i--)printf "%s ",$i;print ""}' file
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