Lum – get fn+volume control working in xfce


I'm running xubuntu 12.10 (xfce 4.10) (on a lenovo thinkpad X121e) and the function (fn) + volume control do not change the actual output volume. they do something and a volume change is displayed, but It seems to be changing the "HDMI / DisplayPort" (digital stereo, whatever that means…?) but all music seems to be output to "analogue stereo" (whatever that means…?).
So what probably want is to remap fn+f1/f2 (the volume control keys) to the audio output (but any other ideas are very welcome too).

how on earth do I do that?

Several users seem to be facing a similar problem, but I have so far not found a sufficient solution, since they all seem to be referring to gnome and most of them address something like "system settings -> sound preferences" which doesn't exist in (my) xfce.

the closest answer I could find I think could be this:
No volume control in Nexuiz fullscreen mode
does that mean I need to enable or install or whatever acpid and if yes, where and under what name do I save that script? nowhere can I find any such lines.
help very welcome, thanks.

Best Answer

I am running Arch Linux (with xfce) on a Lenovo W530 and xubuntu (with xfce) on a W500. As I recall on xubuntu the volume keys worked out of the box. On Arch I had to set the keyboard shortcuts manually:

Settings > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts

   amixer set Master +5%    ->    XF86AudioRaiseVolume
   amixer set Master -5%    ->    XF86AudioLowerVolume

amixer has to be installed, of course. While setting the shortcuts, you don't have to type the XF86... commands; just press the key (-combination) you want when creating new shortcut.

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