Lost ability to sudo after modifying pam module


On one of our RHEL6 servers I made a change to /etc/pam/d/system-auth and password-auth then after rebooting lost the ability to sudo and su. Specifically I changed this line:

auth        sufficient      pam_unix.so  try_first_pass

to this:

auth        optional      pam_unix.so  try_first_pass

I can still ssh to the server and get in with a standard user account however I have no rights to make any changes to any files so I can reverse this. This server is also a VM. Is there anything I can do? Any PAM tricks out there?

Best Answer

If you've locked yourself out of the root account, you'll need to use physical access. There are two approaches:

  • Reboot the system. At the prompt from the bootloader (e.g. Grub), request a root shell. You may need to press a key to make the bootloader prompt appear; with Grub, you typically need to press and hold Shift. Edit the kernel command line, i.e. the line that starts with linux, to add init=/bin/sh at the end. Boot, and you'll get a root shell. Use this to fix whatever configuration file needs fixing. This method requires access to the console and a bootloader that isn't locked up.
  • Power off the system. Take out the hard disk, plug it into another machine, and mount the system partition. Edit whatever configuration file needs fixing. This method requires access to the machine's storage.

Since your system is running in a virtual machine, the “physical” access is in fact access to the account on the host system that's running the virtual machine. Rebooting and accessing the console is a straightforward analog of the physical case. Accessing the disk can be done with virtual machine software. Here are some methods:

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