Looking for a PDF reader that handle large files


I run on Debian testing / GNOME and I have to work with a pdf file of ~500 pages. The default software, evince, cannot do the job, it is too slow because it reloads the page every time I scroll through the file.

I am looking for a free software that can read such a file (an open source one would be better). I want a side pane with the preview of the pages. The possibility of adding notes is a plus.

I already tried: okular (slow), xpdf and mupdf (no scrollbar)

Best Answer

Use the best pdf reader: foxit reader for free.

Download page


a. Change to the directory containing the downloaded file (used /tmp as the example):
# cd /tmp

b. Uncompress the executable file
# gzip -d 'FoxitReader_version_Setup.run.tar.gz'

c. Untar the .tar file
# tar xvf 'FoxitReader_version_Setup.run.tar'

d. Run the installer:
# ./'FoxitReader_version_Setup.run'

e. Follow the steps on the screen to complete the installation
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