Looking for a GUI application to enter linux commands

command lineconsoleguiterminal

I am looking for a GUI console where I can enter Linux commands in an entry widget and the result will be output in a text area widget. Is there is such software available? Something like this:

enter image description here

In console programs like gnome-terminal or xterm, the screen keeps scrolling with every new command, and I find this annoying specially when the result has a few dozen lines.

I would like to visualize the command and the result at the same time, alike a browser entering a web address in the address bar and obtaining the website as a result.

I am wondering is there is an implementation of such a software in a language like Python, Tcl, Ruby or even Java.

Best Answer

I don't know how much better it will be for your purposes, but you could try this:

Open two GUI terminals. In one ("terminal B"), use tty to get the device node; this will be something like /dev/pts/11.

In the other ("terminal A"), set output to be redirected to the other terminal:

exec 1>&2> /dev/pts/11

This will redirect both the standard out (file descriptor 1) and standard error (fd 2) channels. You may prefer just exec 1> /dev/pts/11 instead, which will leave the error stream where it is. This is helpful in distinguishing errors from normal output.

Now in "terminal A" try ls -l / or something. You'll see the output appear in the other terminal.

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