Logging only transferred files with rsync


I've created a backup script with rsync and I have it running every 10 minutes. I am copying files from HFS to Fat32. I have it logging using --progress but to make reading the log easier I only want to include files that are transferred. I.e. at the end of a run I would like to see something in the log like:

Started transfer at 2012-07-31 11:03:45


Number of files: 35184
Number of files transferred: 2

I can't find anything after a bit of googling. Is there a way to do this?


Best Answer

I figured it out in the end. I noticed that the reason it was listing everything was because I was using the -a flag.

I'm syncing to fat32 so something about the -a flag was causing it to try to sync all the files every time.

I changed the flags to -tr and that solved the problem. I don't know what it was about the -a flag that was causing it but I know that fat32 isn't as detailed as other files systems and file comparisons don't always work properly between filesystems as a result.

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