Lock Virtual Terminals when resuming


Many screen lockers (mine is i3lock) do not block access to other Virtual Terminals. This means that, if I leave a session opened in some VT, then even when the desktop is locked (for example when resuming), a malicious person can switch to the VT and do anything.

This is an actual issue for me, as I occasionally switch to a VT, then switch back to the graphical environment and forget to log out from the VT.

The question then is: how to add VT-locking on top of an existing screen locker?

The Arch Linux wiki suggests to simply disable VTs from Xorg, with this piece of configuration for the X server:

Section "ServerFlags"
    # disable VT switching:
    Option "DontVTSwitch" "True"
    # disable “zapping”, ie. killing the X server with Ctrl-Alt-Bksp:
    Option "DontZap"      "True"

This is not an option since I use VTs, as already explained above. Maybe one solution would be to set and reset those options dynamically, but I found nothing to change X server options at runtime, at least in general (there are things like setxkbmap for keyboard layouts, or xset for misc stuff). Is this possible?

I also found the command vlock -a which, when called from a text-based VT, locks the session and disable VT switching. However, it does not work from the graphical environment, and would anyway be redundant with the graphical screen locker.

How can I solve this problem?

Best Answer

I did it with a not-so-graceful way: first, changed to the first terminal with chvt (that's where my slock locker will be running), then disabled the keys F1 to F12 with xmodmap in a systemd unit called after sleep.target, and enabled them back after resume.target, and it seems to be working fine.

  • systemd Unit:
    Description=Disable Switching VTS when locked  
    ExecStartPre=chvt 1  
  • disableVTS.sh script:
    xmodmap -e 'keycode 67 ='  
    xmodmap -e 'keycode 68 = '  
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