Localization of man pages on Linux (Ubuntu)


Is there an option to output a manual page in a different language? I don't want to change the computer language completely, but only specific manual pages.
For example

$ man -English man
Man is a manual program
$ man -Russian man
Инструцтия для Unix, BSD и Linux.

Best Answer

If your man is from the man-db package (man 2.x, like on most GNU/Linux distributions), the fastest way is to use the -L flag of man. You need just to know the abbreviation of the wanted locale.

man -Len man   # -> English man-page of man
man -Lru man   # -> Russian man-page of man

If you use the other man implementation (man 1.x), the only way is to change the environment variables $LC_MESSAGES or $LANG like described in the other answers.

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