List only file size and name and symlinks


When I use ls -lah I get lots of information for each file.

How can I get only the name and filesize?

Additionally I would like to keep the listing of symlinks with the arrow like

lrwxrwxrwx  1 rubo77    rubo77       4 Nov 21 01:53 test2 -> test

Best Answer

Selecting columns to print with awk

One method would be to parse the output of ls.


$ ls -lah | awk '{print $9, $5}' | tail -5
.yEd 4.0K
.youtube-dl 4.0K
.zenmap 4.0K
.zshrc 32
zzzz 3.3K

By the way, you can clean up the output using column.

$ ls -lah | awk '{print $9, $5}' | column -t | tail -5
z                                                   4
.youtube-dl                                         4.0K
.zenmap                                             4.0K
.zshrc                                              32
zzzz                                                3.3K

Selecting columns to remove with awk

If you'd rather remove the other columns, while keeping others you can use this awk method to blank out the undesirable columns.


$ ls -lah | awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4=$6=$7=$8=""}1' | tail -5
    4.0K    .youtube-dl
    4    z -> zzzz
    4.0K    .zenmap
    32    .zshrc
    3.3K    zzzz

Eventual solution

The OP came up with this chain of commands, using a mix of the examples from above.

$ ls -lah | awk '{print $5, $9$10$11}' | column -t | column 
4.0K  .gphoto              773   .rdebug_hist     4.0K  .youtube-dl
1.5K  .grip                4.0K  .rdesktop        4     z->zzzz