List files that do not begin with a specific prefix


I need to list only the files in a directory that do NOT begin with qc_dl, qc_dt or qd_df, but that also DO end in .sas.

I can list the files that do not begin with "qc_dl" as such:

ls -I "qc_dl*" 

But then I do not know how to only select the SAS programs from the resultant list.

Furthermore, I can select all SAS files that begin either with "qc_dl", "qc_dt" or "qd_df", as follows:

ls qc_d{l,t,f}*.sas

However, I cannot combine the two commands to only list SAS files that DO NOT begin with qc_dl/t/f.

Best Answer

Assuming file names don't contain newline characters and don't start with ., this should work:

ls -d -- *.sas | grep -v '^qc_d[ltf]'

List files ending in .sas and filtering all that is NOT qc_dl, qc_dt, qc_df

For any filtering needs, grep is your friend.