Linux – xfce4-terminal annoying bottom and right border

arch linuxxfcexfce4-terminal

I've just encountered an annoying visual problem – there is a pretty thick bottom and thin right border in xfce4-terminal. I guess I didn't notice it before because I was using visually non-enchanted editors before. The problem can be clearly seen when, for example, using vim themes. It is not so oblivious when using out-of-the-box nano but the border / margin is still there.

Is there a way to remove the border?

A related screenshot (teal bottom and right border)

enter image description here

Best Answer

Had the same issue just today. Happens only when I maximize the terminal window. "Solved" it by just setting my terminal background color the same as the one from my vim theme...

See Reddit Thread:

Vim can only paint the background by printing characters which is why it can't change the color of the left over space - it's too short to fit any characters.

I still dont get why it only happens in fullscreen and not like every 9 of 10 pixels, though.

I'm stupid; This is because the terminal app does not resize per pixel but per character. So of course manual resizing never brings a border. But this also means, you could simply fix this problem by choosing a bigger/smaller font in your terminal app, where your screen resolution is a real multiple of the character width.


Try this in your vimrc after your theme is loaded, works for jellybean at least:

hi Normal ctermbg=none

Might make some other trouble, but you could give it a try.

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