Linux – Writing on a FIFO with multiple processes


I need to make a named pipe with mkfifo. For instance:

mkfifo mypipe

I'm going to have a systemd service (a simple shell script) that read from the pipe and I will write on the same pipe calling another script (e.g.

What if I have multiple instances of writing simultaneously on the pipe?
I mean, many users can execute If two users try to write on the pipe at the same time, is it going to create trouble (like when two users try to write on a regular file (not pipe) and one overwrite the other) or not?

I hope this is not a duplicate, but I couldn't find an answer to this question…


Best Answer

Here's a quick test I ran:

mkfifo foo
yes "Process 1 reporting" > foo & yes "This is process 2" > foo &
awk '!a[$0]++' < foo

And the output I got from awk:

Process 1 reporting
Process 1 reportThis is process 2
This is process 2
This is pring
Process 1 reportocess 2
ocess 2
This is prProcess 1 reporting
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