Linux – Why would I want to create more partitions if RHEL will only recognize up to 16


During some basic RHEL training, I came across this blurb:

Although it's possible to create more, RHEL will recognize only up to 16 partitions on any individual SATA, SCSI, PATA, or virtual hard drive.

That sentence seems to conflict with itself. If RHEL can't recognize more than 16 partitions, why would I ever want to create more than 16?

Best Answer

There was a bit of discussion about that topic in an old bug report on exactly that limit:

  • They used to reside in different (smaller) disks (and may go back). Several partitions give me more flexibility to move them around using labels.
  • I wasn't using ext3 before, so smaller partitions made shorter fscks in the case of power-downs.
  • I'm too lazy to use quotas to limit dept. disk usage

But even then the short answer was: anyone who needs even 16 partitions is insane, :).

Nowadays we have LVM and those limits do not matter anymore. :)

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