Linux – Why is the swap not being activated automatically via fstab


I've got a Linux embedded system that I'm experimenting with (the Elektor Embedded Linux Made Easy board, based on the GNUBLIN I'm using the 3.3 kernel provided by them (, which I've configured and compiled myself. I built the root file system myself using buildroot.

I've been experimenting with swap on this board (it's only got 8MB RAM!) and I've got it working. However I can't seem to get the system to automatically mount and activate the swap via fstab. My swap is implemented as a dedicated partition on the microSD card (mmcblk0p4). Here is my fstab:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount pt>     <type>   <options>         <dump> <pass>
/dev/root       /              ext4     rw,noauto         0      1
/dev/mmcblk0p1  /media/mmc_1   ext2     defaults          0      0
/dev/mmcblk0p4  none           swap     auto              0      0
proc            /proc          proc     defaults          0      0
devpts          /dev/pts       devpts   defaults,gid=5,mode=620   0      0
tmpfs           /dev/shm       tmpfs    mode=0777         0      0
tmpfs           /tmp           tmpfs    mode=1777         0      0
sysfs           /sys           sysfs    defaults          0      0

swap works, because if I enter swapon -a in the command line, it becomes activated, as reported by free. But it just won't activate automatically on boot.

My other entries in fstab work fine – for example, /dev/mmcblk0p1 is auto mounted correctly on boot.

I've pasted the output of the boot process here:

Any thoughts?

Best Answer

Exchange auto with sw in the fstab line. This tells the system to activate it using swapon after booting.

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