Linux – Why does Linux heat up the computer


I have been using Linux on my Acer 5740 for a couple of years now. Lately, I noticed that my computer starts heating up and steadies at around 70 degrees. If I fire up Eclipse or ffmpeg or something, the computer shoots to 85-90 degrees. Maybe this has happened before but I might have ignored it.

I have a dual-boot with Windows 7 and 70 degrees is the maximum even when I play games.

I expect Linux to heat up a little because of drivers but 70 degrees @ idling is a little too much.

My prior research on this shows:

  1. A friend of mine with exact same Laptop but with an ATI card instead of the Intel (present on mine) was struggling with heat problems of much greater intensity. He installed fgrlx and his Laptop is as cool as Siberia.

  2. I have attempted to install Intel drivers for my card. I have the latest version of Xorg and xorg for Intel. It doesn't help.

  3. The problem is independent of Distribution. I have tried Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and FreeBSD.

  4. The graph for temperature versus time after boot-up is fairly steady. There are no sudden jumps.

  5. All temperatures are in Celcius and correspond to max(acpi -t)

Any solutions?

Edit: My CPU if scaled at 933MHz still doesn't help. I can't find Fan Control for my Laptop. There are few scripts for Acer Aspire One but I can't find one for 5740.

My /proc/acpi/fan folder is empty!

 blah@blah-Laptop:/proc/acpi/fan$ ls -l
 total 0

Best Answer

I'm running Arch Linux, and this is what I do to reduce heat emissions.

  1. I use laptop-mode-tools to control CPU frequency scaling and spinning down of the hard disk. The hard disk can heat up quite a bit if you keep it running continuously. But take note, spinning down of the hard disk too often will cause it to break. Desktop hard drives are usually rated for only 40,000-50,000 spinups. Laptop hard drives are usually rated for around 300,000 spinups. Link.

  2. I installed acpi_call Visit here or follow this post for instructions to disable/ activate your discrete card . For me, I disabled the discrete card and only make use of the integrated card.

  3. If you are using i915 drivers for your intel card, this will work. Check your output of lspci -mvknn | grep -B8 i915. If it returns non-empty, then you may add i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 i915.i915_enable_fbc=1 i915.lvds_downclock=1 to your boot parameters.

    pcie_aspm=force can also be added if all PCIe hardware on the system supports Active State Power Management.

I use steps to mainly to reduce power consumption, but I also noticed a drop in temperature of more than 10°C as a side effect. I guess with less power used, less heat is emitted.

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