Linux – Why do files created via Samba get different ACL (mask) permissions depending on the client OS


I tested this on a clean install of Debian Jessie, but I also have this problem on other machines (ex: Ubuntu 12.04). In addition to the base install, I installed sudo, samba, and cifs-utils.

Shared Directory With Default ACL

I enabled ACLs on the root file system and created a shared directory:

sudo mount -o remount,acl /
mkdir -p /home/ryan/shared
setfacl -d -m u:ryan:rwx /home/ryan/shared

Samba Config

I left all defaults in /etc/samba/smb.conf and added a single share:

    comment =
    path = /home/ryan/shared
    writable = yes
    valid users = ryan

Add Samba User

Then I added myself as a Samba user and restarted the service:

sudo smbpasswd -a ryan
sudo systemctl restart smbd

Linux Client

Next I created a mount point for the Samba share, mounted it, and created an empty text file:

mkdir -p /home/ryan/mnt/shared
sudo mount -t cifs -o user=ryan // /home/ryan/mnt/shared
touch /home/ryan/mnt/shared/linux.txt

Windows Client

I also connected from a Windows 8 machine and created an empty text file named windows.txt.

Shared Directory Listing

After that, a directory listing of /home/ryan/shared looks like this:

-rw-r--r--+ 1 ryan ryan 0 Jun 20 23:45 linux.txt
-rwxrwxr--+ 1 ryan ryan 0 Jun 20 23:46 windows.txt

File ACLs

The ACL for linux.txt looks like this:

# file: linux.txt
# owner: ryan
# group: ryan
user:ryan:rwx           #effective:r--
group::r-x              #effective:r--

The ACL for windows.txt looks like this:

# file: windows.txt
# owner: ryan
# group: ryan


The behavior from the Linux client is what I would expect. Why is it different when using a Windows client? How can I get the Windows client to set the same permissions as the Linux client?

Best Answer

You can have Samba normalize everything the clients send it, see man smb.conf for things like:

create mask = 0775
force create mode = 0660
directory mask = 2775
force directory mode = 2771
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