Linux – why can I not remove this dkms module


I'm trying to remove this dkms module but am running into trouble.

I run

sudo dkms uninstall rtl8812au/4.3.14

and I get

Error! The module/version combo: rtl8812au-4.3.14
is not located in the DKMS tree.

However, when I run dkms status, I get

8188eu, 1.0, 4.13.0-26-generic, x86_64: installed
bcmwl,, 4.13.0-26-generic, x86_64: installed
mt7610u_sta, 1.0, 4.13.0-26-generic, x86_64: installed (WARNING! Diff between built and installed module!)
rtl8812au, added

and when I go into the Makefile.dkms in the following folder,

y9@y9-aspire:~/rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux$ ls
clean            core       ifcfg-wlan0  Makefile
contrib          dkms.conf  include      Makefile.dkms  runwpa   Kconfig      os_dep         wlan0dhcp  hal        LICENSE      platform

I see

modname := rtl8812au
DKMS := dkms
modver := 4.3.14

I just want to know how I can clear my dkms modules. Thank you.

Best Answer

In case of normal operations gone wrong, you can always delete dkms add-ons by hand, with sudo or as root.

Normally the modules sources are installed by make install under /var/lib/dkms/ in a directory with the corresponding name, probably named rtl...something. Just delete that directory.

You have also to delete the corresponding compiled file module under /lib/modules/KERNEL_VERSION/updates/dkms/ where KERNEL_VERSION is your current kernel. The file should be called rtl...something.ko or similar.

Once done that, you can either try to rmmod the module or falling that, reboot.

No module and corresponding dkms anymore in the system.

While not critical, the module dependencies also need to be updated after deleting the module. Run:

sudo /sbin/depmod -a 
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