Linux – Why buffers equals to used memory


I'm using Ubuntu 11.10, virtualized by OpenVZ. That output of free -m shows that buffers is always equal to used.

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          2048       1079        968          0          0          0
-/+ buffers/cache:       1079        968
Swap:            0          0          0

Is that the reason I can't run a java virtual machine, although there's 968mb of free memory?

Best Answer

It is due to OpenVZ. You can see the limits applied in /proc/user_beancounters, and there is some explanation here:

Although I have not had memory problems in a container, I think the suggestion here:

to start by setting the stack size with ulimit is a good one. Just note that the implication there that OpenVZ uses the same metric as you find in top's VIRT column is wrong; the "privvmpages" is I believe virtual pages marked writable and private, thus significantly less than the entire address space of a process. There is some other misinformation in there too ("Unfortunately running out of memory is an error condition that most programs fail to handle properly." -- on linux, running out of memory is by default not an error condition, so programs do not get a chance to handle it properly). But setting the stack size down is probably still worth trying.

Slm's suggestion seems like a good solution to finding the fat cats, but if your slice is like mine, there is no /proc/bc to work with. You can, however, get the writable and private stat for a process via pmap -d, or look at numbers in top.

1 gig might seem like enough to run a JVM, but there is a complication: since the amount of memory used and available is not a simple figure (see some discussion of why here), the total may be more than the machine can actually provide at a given point in time.

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