Linux – Which Gentoo profile


I'm installing Gentoo as a guest on a VMware virtual machine on an iMac host. I'm asked to select a profile and the list has 22 options.

[1]  default/linux/amd64/10.0
[2]  default/linux/amd64/10.0/selinux
[3]  default/linux/amd64/10.0/desktop
[4]  default/linux/amd64/10.0/desktop/gnome
[7]  default/linux/amd64/10.0/no-multilib *
[10] default/linux/amd64/13.0

Currently the 10.0/no-multilib profile is selected.

I'm intending to use the virtual machine for experimenting, web browsing, running things that the Mac doesn't offer or that I don't want to install permanently.

I will probably run neither Gnome nor KDE but a lightweight WM. I am inclined to select the 'desktop' profile, but which should I use, 10 or 13 (and what happened to 11 and 12)? What do the 10/13 mean? They don't seem to correspond to a Gentoo 'version'.

I've got the no-multilib profile currently because I downloaded the nm stage3. Perhaps I should stick with the no-multilib profile and adjust the USE flags?

Best Answer

I would select the latest version vanilla desktop profile. That shows 12 on my system (using eselect profile list).

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