Linux – Which Arch Linux file do I download

arch linuxsystem-installation

Which link do I need to click on to download Arch Linux?

On , there are two options: Dual and Bootstrap x64.

I have a 64bit PC, but I don't know if the dual one is 64bit compatible, and I have no idea what the bootstrap one is even for. I found an "explanation" on some website, but it didn't really explain it very well.

I don't plan to dual boot. I just want Arch as primary OS. But I may choose to dual boot in the future.

So, given that I have a 64bit PC, which link should I download? What's the difference between Dual and Bootstrap?

Best Answer

You should download the archlinux-2015.08.01-dual.iso, or better yet, the archlinux-2015.08.01-dual.iso.torrent file and download Arch Linux via a P2P application.

The 'dual' says that the ISO file is compatible for both x86_64 and i686 architecture computers.

The bootstrap image in the mirror is used for installing Arch Linux on an existing Linux installation.

Choose the ISO that you need. It's also a good practice to download the archlinux-2015.08.01-dual.iso.sig file and verify that ISO file you have is the one you wanted.

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