Linux – What’s the difference between ULOG and NFLog


Various places suggest to use ULOG or NFLOG instead of LOG for getting dedicated netfilter logging (see for example here or here).

From looking at man iptables those two look quite alike. Except that NFLOG talks about some "nfnetlink_log backend" while ULOG doesn't talk about any backend.

  1. What's the difference?
  2. Are there typical situations for using one or the other?

Best Answer

ULOG was the original user space logging added in Kernel 2.4 for ipv4.

NFLOG is the newer, generic (layer3 independent) logging framework for 2.6 kernels based on the original ULOG but implemented via libnfnetlink

Both will send logs to ulogd which will then log via whatever output plugin you choose.

Use ULOG if you are stuck with ulogd-1.x as 1.x might not play nicely with NFLOG. You really should be using ulogd-2.x as 1.x is considered legacy and is EOL.

Otherwise, just use NFLOG

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