Linux – What does the Windows flag in the Linux logo of kernel 3.11 mean


I've just installed kernel-3.11.0-1.fc20 for my Fedora 19 installation. During the rebooting progress, I saw the Linux logo with a Windows flag in it, what does it mean?
a Windows flag in Linux logo of Linux kernel 3.11

The Fedora 19 is installed in an ASUS TX300CA notebook, secure boot is off, CSM (BIOS Compatibility Support Module) mode is on.

Best Answer

A couple of years ago, Linus Torvalds was discussing Linux version numbers and said, "I think I will call it 3.11 Linux for Workgroups."

It turns out he wasn't joking. With a release candidate of Linux 3.11 now available, Torvalds has actually named the new version of the kernel "Linux for Workgroups." He even gave it a Windows-themed boot icon featuring Linux's mascot penguin, Tux, holding a flag emblazoned with an old Windows logo. The name "Linux for Workgroups" follows such whimsical past Linux version names as "Pink Farting Weasel," "Killer Bat of Doom," "Erotic Pickled Herring," and "Jeff Thinks I Should Change This, But To What?"

From the news: 20 years after Windows 3.11, Linus unveils “Linux for Workgroups”

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