Linux – What do first column in /proc/mounts really mean in Linux


Run cat /proc/mounts and I get this (simplified):

rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0
proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0
/dev/sda1 / ext3 rw,relatime,errors=continue,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0
io /etc/blkio cgroup rw,relatime,blkio 0 0

About the content, document from Red Hat says that:

The first column specifies the device that is mounted, the second column reveals the mount point, and the third column tells the file system type…

I don't think that rootfs is a device, I'm trying to find this device in udev(/dev) but I can't get it. So I don't know which device is mounted in / (You may say that I can use mount to get this information, but what if rootfs here is mounted not by mount command).

Another example is on VMware ESX 3.x server, you cannot find any "vmfs" entry listed in mount's result, but by cat /proc/mounts, I get /vmfs /vmfs vmfs rw 0 0. As the rootfs example, I cannot know which devices are related with the first "/vmfs" here either.

Question: Could someone tell me what does the first column of /proc/mounts really mean?

PS. Please read "How to get the complete and exact list of mounted filesystems in Linux?" for more information about /proc/mounts and mount.

Best Answer

The first column is indeed the device as the documentation you quoted says. According to documentation, rootfs is just a special case of a ramfs (in-RAM filesystem) that the kernel uses to make sure something is always mounted on /. It takes 0 or negligibly small space in RAM only and if you look further in /proc/mounts you should see the entry for the device containing your real root partition mounted on /.

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