Linux Networking – Using Bridge Utils to Connect Two Computers


I have been using bridge utils previously to connect my network connected computers to a single interface on my Linux computer. The problem I'm having is when I installed a new Linux (with Slackware) the two connected computers cannot even ping each other. Basically the computers are connected as:

client - server - client

So I am trying to get the two clients to connect to each other. Both can access the Internet, firewalls are shut off at both clients when testing.

Internet is on eth0, and I have one bridge set up as

bridge name     interfaces
br0             eth1, eth2

ip addr br0 and ip route show shows respectively

inet brd dev br0  proto kernel  scope link  src

So it seems to me like a call from my client should be routed directly to my br0 interface, which should get it right.

How do I configure my Slackware distro to route two network cable attached computers to be able to see eachother, preferably using bridge utils?

Best Answer

Is the firewall on the server disabled? It maybe that there are some firewall rules that are blocking the packets. Look at the output of iptables (must be run as root) and if you see anything other than ACCEPT rules/policies then they may be blocking things.

iptables -L


iptables -t nat -L
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