Linux – User without a password – how can one login into that account from a non-root account


I have just started to use Scientific Linux (7.0) (although I assume this question might be distribution neutral..). The kernel version is 3.10.0-123.20.1.el7.x86_64.

Coming back to my question.

I switched to root account and from there created an new user account test-account using the command adduser test-account. It didn't prompt me for a password neither did I use the option to provide password. So I guess it's a "without password" account. I can login into this account from root account – which I suppose I'd be able to without providing password even if the test account had a password. However when I try to login into this(test-account) from a third account – it prompts me for password. And just pressing Enter doesn't work.

Is it possible to login into this account from a non-root account. Is there a way (without switching to root or using sudo) ?

Best Answer

By default on enterprise GNU/Linux and its derivatives, the adduser command creates a user which is disabled until you explicitly specify a password for that user.

Here is an example on CentOS 6.5, which should be the same as Scientific Linux.

 $ sudo adduser test
 $ sudo grep test /etc/shadow

that's because in the /etc/shadow file, the password field is !!, as you can see in the example.

Once you run passwd for this account, it will change the user's password and allow the user to be able to login.

So what you should be able to do is the following to have a user without a password, simply create an account then delete the password.

 $ sudo adduser test
 $ sudo passwd -d test
 Removing password for user test.
 passwd: Success
 $ su test
 $ whoami

now any user should be able to use su and login as the user test in my example. You will not have to use sudo to login as the account.

Although this is possible and you can have an account without a password, it is not advised. If you simply set the password for the user, you should be allowed to login.

$ sudo passwd test
[sudo] password for <YOURACCOUNT>:
Changing password for user test.
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
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