Linux – UEFI and Puppy Linux


I recently installed Puppy Linux on a USB stick using the Universal USB Installer, but I have not being able to boot from it. My notebook came with Windows 8 and had the secure boot activated at UEFI. I disabled the secure boot option, but I am still not able to boot from the USB stick (it is not being shown in the list of bootable devices).

Interestingly, a live USB with certain Linux distros are recognized on my computer, such as Linux Mint Cinnamon and Ubuntu. But others, such as Puppy, Zorin, Elementary OS and Mint MATE are not working.

Basically all advice I found online is to disable the secure boot option, which I already did. Is there anything else I can do in order to boot from my usb stick?

Best Answer

You need a full shutdown, because you use Windows 8. Maybe you must disable the hybrid boot:

Type in cmd: shutdown /s /t 0

Also look at this:

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