Linux Mint – Correct Procedure to Replace MDM with LightDM


OS: Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon 64-bit.

I almost got a heart attack, after reboot preceding this; in an important VM:

sudo apt-get install lightdm

… I chose LightDM as the default DM …

sudo apt-get purge mdm

I underestimated it as after reboot the LightDM failed to start. What's more I could not get to Virtual Console, there was just an underscore blinking. After yet another reboot, the same behavior.

I fixed that in a while over SSH by purging LightDM and installing MDM back.

What is the correct procedure to replace MDM with LightDM on Linux Mint?

Best Answer

Following the official statement:

sudo apt-get install slick-greeter lightdm lightdm-settings apparmor

Did not yet get me to the result.

I had to create a file:


with contents:

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