Linux – Super + Space as shortcut for layout switching. Linux Mint Cinnamon

cinnamonkeyboard shortcutslinux-mint

I have installed Linux Mint with Cinnamon recently. I have swapped my Alt and Super keys and now I want to set Super + Space keys to switch between layouts. How can I do that trick?

I've searched this option in
Settings > Keyboard layouts > Options > Switching to another layout

Also I've tried to search in dconf editor, but all I found is value org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings.switch-input-source and when I change it to '<Super>space' nothing happens.

Best Answer

Seems that it was right under your nose. I'm also used to Super (Win) + Space. Hope this helps:

  1. Click on Options... in Keyboard, Layouts

enter image description here

  1. Expands Switching to another layout

enter image description here

  1. Select Win+Space

enter image description here

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