Linux Directory Structure – Standard and Common Directories on Unix/Linux OSes


Coming from the Windows world, I have found the majority of the folder directory names to be quite intuitive:

  • \Program Files contains files used by programs (surprise!)

  • \Program Files (x86) contains files used by 32-bit programs on 64-bit OSes

  • \Users (formerly Documents and Settings) contains users' files, i.e. documents and settings

    • \Users\USER\Application Data contains application-specific data

    • \Users\USER\Documents contains documents belonging to the user

  • \Windows contains files that belong to the operation of Windows itself

    • \Windows\Fonts stores font files (surprise!)

    • \Windows\Temp is a global temporary directory

et cetera. Even if I had no idea what these folders did, I could guess with good accuracy from their names.

Now I'm taking a good look at Linux, and getting quite confused about how to find my way around the file system.

For example:

  • /bin contains binaries. But so do /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, and probably more that I don't know about. Which is which?? What is the difference between them? If I want to make a binary and put it somewhere system-wide, where do I put it?

  • /media contains external media file systems. But so does /mnt. And neither of them contain anything on my system at the moment; everything seems to be in /dev. What's the difference? Where are the other partitions on my hard disk, like the C: and D: that were in Windows?

  • /home contains the user files and settings. That much is intuitive, but then, what is supposed to go into /usr? And how come /root is still separate, even though it's a user with files and settings?

  • /lib contains shared libraries, like DLLs. But so does /usr/lib. What's the difference?

  • What is /etc? Does it really stand for "et cetera", or something else? What kinds of files should go in there — global or local? Is it a catch-all for things no one knew where to put, or is there a particular use case for it?

  • What are /opt, /proc, and /var? What do they stand for and what are they used for? I haven't seen anything like them in Windows*, and I just can't figure out what they might be for.

If anyone can think of other standard places that might be good to know about, feel free to add it to the question; hopefully this can be a good reference for people like me, who are starting to get familiar with *nix systems.

*OK, that's a lie. I've seen similar things in WinObj, but obviously not on a regular basis. I still don't know what these do on Linux, though.

Best Answer

Linux distributions use the FHS:

You can also try man hier.

I'll try to sum up answers your questions off the top of my head, but I strongly suggest that you read through the FHS:

  • /bin is for non-superuser system binaries
  • /sbin is for superuser (root) system binaries
  • /usr/bin & /usr/sbin are for non-critical shared non-superuser or superuser binaries, respectively
  • /mnt is for temporarily mounting a partition
  • /media is for mounting many removable media at once
  • /dev contains your system device files; it's a long story :)
  • The /usr folder, and its subfolders, can be shared with other systems, so that they will have access to the same programs/files installed in one place. Since /usr is typically on a separate filesystem, it doesn't contain binaries that are necessary to bring the system online.
  • /root is separate because it may be necessary to bring the system online without mounting other directories which may be on separate partitions/hard drives/servers
  • Yes, /etc stands for "et cetera". Configuration files for the local system are stored there.
  • /opt is a place where you can install programs that you download/compile. That way you can keep them separate from the rest of the system, with all of the files in one place.
  • /proc contains information about the kernel and running processes
  • /var contains variable size files like logs, mail, webpages, etc.

To access a system, you generally don't need /var, /opt, /usr, /home; some of potentially largest directories on a system.

One of my favorites, which some people don't use, is /srv. It's for data that is being hosted via services like http/ftp/samba. I've see /var used for this a lot, which isn't really its purpose.

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