Linux – Sort Behaves Strangely on Case Sensitive Sorting


Sort is sorting differently than I would expect. I have this file, call it text.txt:

a   1
A   1
a   11

(the space is always one \t)

I want to sort them alphabetically by the first column. However, when I do

sort -k 1 text.txt

all I got is the text.txt file, not sorted. If I do it by the deprecated + - notation, meaning

sort +0 -1 text.txt

it works as it should, meaning that I get this output:

a   1
a   11
A   1

This strange behaviour occurs only when I have lines that differs only by case. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

You have to specify the end column, too:

$ sort -k1,1 text.txt
a       1
a       11
A       1

To quote the GNU sort man page:

   -k, --key=POS1[,POS2]
          start a key at POS1 (origin 1), end it at POS2 (default  end  of
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