Linux – Sometimes the CPU fan does not start

arch linuxfanthinkpad

I have a Lenovo Thinkpad X240, and it works well and on normal temperatures. However, sometimes the fan does not start even when running high stress processes that warm up the CPU drastically. In these situations when I put the device to sleep and start it up again, everything goes back to normal, the fan starts and cools the CPU down quickly. How to investigate this problem? Can this be a hardware issue?

I am running Arch Linux and I have thermald enabled.

Best Answer

The problem that you are getting might be a hardware issue the same problem what you are facing now one of my friend got. Sometime his fan isn't running and sometimes it is working fine It was happening because of dust or may be a fan issue.

what I did to solve the issue.

First I cleaned it with blower gun then when it wasn't started then I slightly pushed the cpu fan with a needle (be careful while nudging remove the needle quickly) then the fan suddenly started and worked fine for few months.

after that he faced the same issue solved by replacing fan.

I think it will not be a OS issue. If it is the everytime you suspend your CPU fan should not start.

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