Linux – Slowdown the system clock in Linux server


I have Centos server, in which I don't want to jump back the time to one hour during time change. instead I want to slow down the system clock few hour before the time change so that when the time jumps back, my server should sync with latest time after time change

Best Answer

As said in the comments, switching on DST won't change your machine time at all, only the timezone. Therefore you don't need to mess with the server clock (and you're advised not to).

On a side note, there's a project that does something similar to what you want. Google uses it to "smear" the extra second over a longer time whenever the IERS enforces a leap second. Basically, during a whole day, Google server clocks run a bit slower so that when the leap second is applied at midnight the servers experience no time jump. Again, I add this just FYI -- this is not a solution for your case.

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