Linux Kernel Scheduling – Should I Attempt to Balance My Threads or Does Linux Do This?


A simple example. I'm running a process that serves http request using TCP sockets. It might A) calculate something which means CPU will be the bottleneck B) Send a large file which may cause the network to be the bottleneck or C) Complex database query with semi-random access causing a disk bottleneck

Should I try to categorize each page/API call as one or more of the above types and try to balance how much of each I should have? Or will the OS do that for me? How do I decide how many threads I want?

I'll use 2 numbers for hardware threads 12 and 48 (intel xeon has that many). I was thinking of having at 2/3rds of the threads be for heavy CPU (8/32), 1 thread for heavy disk (or 1 heavy thread per disk) and the remaining 3/15 be for anything else which means no trying to balance the network.

Should I have more than 12/48 threads on hardware that only supports 12/48 threads? Do I want less so I don't cause the CPU to go into a slower throttling mode (I forget what it's called but I heard it happens if too much of the chip is active at once). If I have to load and resource balance my threads how would I do it?

Best Answer


The Linux kernel have a great implementation for the matter and have many features/settings intended to manage the ressources for the running process (over CPU governors, sysctl or cgroup), in such situation tuning those settings along with swap adjustment (if required) is recommended, basically you will be adapting the default functioning mode to your appliance.

Benchmark, stress tests and situation analysis after applying the changes are a must especially on production servers. The performance gain can be very important when the kernel settings are adjusted to the needed usage, on the other hand this require testing and a well understanding of the different settings which is time consuming for an admin.

Linux does use governors to load balance CPU ressources between the running application, many governors are available; depending on your distro's kernel some governor may not be available (rebuilding the kernel can be done to add missing or non upstream governors). you can check what is the current governor, change it and more importantly in this case, tune its settings.

Additional documentations: reading, guide, similar question, frequency scaling, choice of governor, the performance governor and cpufreq.


Sysctl is a tool for examining and changing kernel parameters at runtime, adjustments can be made permanent with the config file /etc/sysctl.conf, this is an important part of this answer as many kernel settings can be changed with Sysctl, a full list of available settings can be displayed with the command sysctl -a, details are available on this and this article.


The kernel provide the feature: control groups, which are called by their shorter name cgroups in this guide. Cgroups allow you to allocate resources such as CPU time, system memory, network bandwidth, or combinations of these resources among user-defined groups of tasks (processes) running on a system. You can monitor the cgroups you configure, deny cgroups access to certain resources, and even reconfigure your cgroups dynamically on a running system. The cgconfig (control group config) service can be configured to start up at boot time and reestablish your predefined cgroups, thus making them persistent across reboots.

Source, further reading and question on the matter.


This can be useful if the system have a limited amount of ram, otherwise you can disable the swap to mainly use the ram. Swap system can be adjusted per process or with the swappiness settings. If needed the ressources (ram) can be limited per process with ulimit (also used to limit other ressources).


Disk I/O settings (I/O Scheduler) may be changed as well as the cluster size.


Other tools like nice, cpulimit, cpuset, taskset or ulimit can be used as an alternative for the matter.

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