Linux – Search Alt+F2 history in Cinnamon desktop environment

cinnamoncommand historylinux-mintsearch

I wonder if there's some way to search the Alt+F2 "runner" history most preferably within the dialog itself. I know that in Cinnamon the values are available in dconf-editor under org.cinnamon command-history but I'm not sure how to take advantage of this knowledge

Currently on Linux Mint 15 if that matters.


To be clear, I know that I can cycle through history with Up and Down arrow. I'm looking for a way to quickly find a command I might have run months ago.

Best Answer

Sorry, but there isn't such feature. The key shema only stores the commands run, without timestamp nor any other feature. You can run dconf read /org/cinnamon/command-history to get a list and look at the first entry, but apart of that, there's nothing implemented in place that allows you to do this.

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