Linux – script to monitor for new files in a shared folder (windows host, linux guest)

linuxvirtual machine

I need to monitor a shared folder, in this specific case the host is windows and the guest is Ubuntu linux, for new files or a file that has changed. Ideally the solution should work independent of the host machine or the machine that puts a file into the shared directory. The new file will be the input for a different process.

The inotifywait set of tools don't detect new files if the files are created by the host and put into the shared folder.

What are my options?

Best Answer

You may be able to use one of the polling tools that pre-date dnotify and inotify: gamin or fam, along with something like fileschanged which is an inotifywait-like CLI tool. The gamin and fam projects are related, and both quite old (though gamin slightly less so).

For simple and portable tasks I have used something like this via cron:

if mkdir /var/lock/mylock; then
  ( cd /mnt/mypath; find . -type f -mmin +2 ) | myprocess
  rmdir /var/lock/mylock
  logger -p local0.notice "mylock found, skipping run"

This uses primitive locking, and a GNU find conditional to only find files older than two minutes so I could be sure that files were completely written. In my case myprocess was an rsync --remove-source-files --files-from=- so that files were removed once they were processed.

This approach also lets you use find -print0/xargs -0/rsync -0 to handle troublesome filenames.

If you must keep all (old and new) files in the same directory hierarchy, then building directory-listing snapshots and diff-ing them might also work for you:

if mkdir /var/lock/mylock; then
    export LC_COLLATE=C  # for sort
    cd /mnt/mypath
    find . -type f -a \! -name ".dirlist.*" -printf '%p\0' | 
      while read -d '' file; do
        printf "%q\n" "${file}"  
      done >
    [[ -f  .dirlist.old ]] && {
      comm -13 <(sort .dirlist.old) <(sort |
        while read -r file; do
          myprocess "${file}"
  rmdir /var/lock/mylock
  logger -p local0.notice "mylock found, skipping run"

This bash script:

  1. uses find -printf to print a \0 (nul) delimited list of files
  2. uses read -d '' to process that list, and printf %q to escape filenames where necessary
  3. compares the new and previous .dirlist files
  4. invokes myprocess with each new file (safely quoted)

(Also handling modified files would require slightly more effort, a double-line format with find ... -printf '%p\0%s %Ts\0' could be used, with associated changes to the while loops.)

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