Linux – Screen capture application for RHEL6.5


I need some screen capture application for RHEL6.5 and tried few ways to get one but failed.

  1. yum install gnmoe-utils and got:

    Reading Local RPMDB
    rpmdb time: 0.000
    Setting up Install Process
    Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for gnome-utils
    No package gnome-utils available.
    Error: Nothing to do

Q: Is there a repo or some other way to get it installed?

  1. yum install shutter

    Error: Package: shutter-0.93-1.el6.nux.noarch (nux-dextop)
       Requires: perl(JSON)
    Error: Package: perl-Net-OAuth-0.28-1.el6.noarch (epel)
       Requires: perl(Digest::SHA)
    Error: Package: shutter-0.93-1.el6.nux.noarch (nux-dextop)
       Requires: perl(Time::HiRes)
    Error: Package: perl-Net-DBus-0.33.6-8.el6.x86_64 (epel)
       Requires: perl(Time::HiRes)
    Error: Package: perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-0.43-1.el6.rf.noarch (rpmforge)
       Requires: perl(CGI)
    Error: Package: perl-Gtk2-1.248-1.el6.x86_64 (epel)
       Requires: perl(HTML::TreeBuilder)
    ..... more errors related to `perl`

Trying to get perl:

  COMMAND: yum install perl 
  Installroot: /
  Ext Commands:

  Setting up Package Sacks
  Running "exclude" handler for "security" plugin
  pkgsack time: 0.060
  Reading Local RPMDB
  rpmdb time: 0.000
  Setting up Install Process
  Checking for virtual provide or file-provide for perl
  Nothing to do

Q: How it can be resolved?

  1. Print Screen shortcut is not complaining for gnome-screenshot not found.

Q: How it can be installed?

Ultimately, I just need some application to get screenshots.

Best Answer

If none of the other options are working you can use the command line to acquire screenshots too.

$ import screenshot.png

$ import -window root -resize 400×300 -delay 200 screenshot.png

This is part of ImageMagick. There's also scrot too.

$ scrot MyScreenshot.png

$ scrot -b -d 5 '%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S.png' -e 'mv $f ~/Desktop/'

In this example,

  • -b specifies including the window borders
  • -d specifies a delay of five seconds
  • '%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S.png' will save the screenshot with a name based on the current date and time and with the format specified, .png in this case
  • -e 'mv $f ~/Desktop/' tells scrot to save the screenshot to the Desktop

The above was heavily borrowed from this AU Q&A titled: What is the terminal command to take a screenshot?.

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