Linux Replacement of RD Gateway


Is there a way to replace RDS Gateway with some sort of linux based proxy. I know there some ways to do it with ssh/port forwarding, but this is to replace a current RDS Gateway our users utilize for remote access (~300 users). I need to support multiple windows clients using their native RDP to connect to their windows desktops on campus, using some sort of linux proxy in between.

From my searching, there are some solutions (xrdp,ssh proxy, port forwarding, etc) that sort of do what I need but they either aren't user friendly or they involve using multiple/non-standard ports. Before I give up my search and succumb to paying MS Licensing for RDS, is it currently possible to use linux to proxy RDP from windows using their native client?

[Multiple Remote Windows Clients] => [Linux proxy/gateway] => [Corporate Windows Desktops]

Best Answer

We did a more elaborated setup, as we asked our users to shutdown their computer before leaving the office. To connect to their PC, they open a browser to the "gateway" (small PHP script which WakesOnLan the PC and adds the port forwarding rule based on browser IP so that the user doesn't have to use custom ports).

In your case, I would put a VPN server (instead of RDGW) which would allow connections only to the Windows desktops. It gives you:

  • no windows exposed to the mean outside world
  • additional protection against weak user passwords
  • easy remote access to other campus resources or internal (web,ftp,..) services
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