Linux Serial Port – Read/Write to a Serial Port Without Root Access

fedoralinuxnot-root-userserial port

I'm writing an application to read/write to/from a serial port in Fedora14, and it works great when I run it as root. But when I run it as a normal user I'm unable to obtain the privileges required to access the device (/dev/ttySx). That's kind of crappy because now I can't actually debug the damn thing using Eclipse.

I've tried running Eclipse with sudo but it corrupts my workspace and I can't even open the project. So I'd like to know if it's possible to lower the access requirements to write to /dev/ttySx so that any normal user can access it. Is this possible?

Best Answer

The right to access a serial port is determined by the permissions of the device file (e.g. /dev/ttyS0). So all you need to do is either arrange for the device to be owned by you, or (better) put yourself in the group that owns the device, or (if Fedora supports it, which I think it does) arrange for the device to belong to the user who's logged in on the console.

For example, on my system (not Fedora), /dev/ttyS0 is owned by the user root and the group dialout, so to be able to acesss the serial device, I would add myself to the dialout group:

usermod -a -G dialout MY_USER_NAME
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